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Ara W1 HS&E Contests (13 September 2008)

Dear Fellow Money Mastery Toastmasters,
I was asked to blog about the Area W1 humorous & evaluation speech contest last Saturday at WIM by our DTM Francis. A word of caution, written in the eyes of a contestant. Here goes.
Sep 13th 2008 proved to be kind to Money Mastery – KL Toastmasters. We took 1st runners up and 1st in the the Area W1 humorous & evaluation speech contests represented by Paul & Marcus respectively. Congratulation.
Contest Chair for Humorous is MK Low.
Contest Chair for Evaluation is our President Hj. Hashim Adnan.

Noticeably missing are our president distinguish club members. Seriously, there are at least 5 cars we can car pool in to the venue. The Division W contest is schedule for the 25th October at the same venue.
In Toastmasters we got two tracks; public speaking and leadership. In a TM Speech contest, there are the same two tracks. For public speaking skills, there is the speech contest and as a test speaker. All the other role players are for the leadership track of the program. An educational experience best experience not read. Hence make plan to attend Division W contest where the "best" clubs champions in Div W will do battle.

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