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AFC TMc Meeting #4 (22 Sept 2008)

I attended the 4th meeting of AFC Toastmasters Club earlier this evening. Francis was there too.

AFC Toastmasters Club, chartered on 18 August 2008 has something that some clubs strive hard for… the camaraderie of its members and the commitment to excellence. And they meet every Monday evening too! Whoa!

They were at least 10 to 20 mins early (some even earlier) for fellowship, bonding and getting to know their roles better, bravo.

Their President is a stickler for time… so, almost everyone speaks within time, very commendable.

All the members are forthcoming and already started volunteering for their maiden speech, the ice breaker. And because the members are from all nationalities, not just Malaysians, audience get a ‘taste’ of their culture through their speeches.

It is indeed a young club to be reckoned with…may the force be with you.

Note: We’re the sponsoring club for AFC Toastmasters Club.

Huey Yee

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