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Clubbing in Shanghai

Dear Friends,

I would like to share my recent experience in Toastmasters clubbing in Shanghai.

First I recommend your inform the club you plan to visiting as soon as possible if you are requesting for a speaking slot. A very important rule is to know your audience. As I was redoing my ice breaker speech, I wanted to make it interesting for my audience. I have a primary massage and a sub massage. The primary massage was what is it like to be a Chinese born and live outside China and the sub massage was what I was doing in Shanghai.

I visited two clubs, the first one spoke Mandarin before and after the meeting and the other spoke English during the entire session. I also did a humorous speech with some success and even learn from their funny man. (Sorry it always the guy lah) They meet every week and
signing up new members at every meeting. Membership size is about 50.
They have two additional VPE assistants.

Most of the members are from other part of Shanghai and even a Malaysian (past President). I know you guys are asking what about the women. A few six footers with even higher heels but most of them are like you and me. This may sound funny but they don’t look like the Chinese nationals here in KL. They look like you and me.

After this trip I am motivated to speak more Mandarin but of course it may comes out like (pause) Orange. Haha. Hence if you get a chance to travel overseas, I strongly recommend you include visiting a Toastmasters club, it is very educational and rewarding.

Marcus CheeRS

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