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Meeting #365 : Celebrating Togetherness

The 27th of September 2016, one of the dates of our MM-KL Toastmasters Club Meeting that will be remembered. An annual affair, a rare sight, a treasured moment. For having had our beloved International Past President, Datuk Dr. John Lau, DTM, the theme of Celebrating Togetherness sure did coincide with the occasion.

When I arrived, everyone was already seated to commence the meeting. I had that 10 minutes to quickly prepare for my role.
Q: My role for the night?
A: Grammarian
Q: Word of the day?
A: Camaraderie.
Q: Definition?
A: A feeling of good friendship among the people in a group. Just like us.
Q: How to pronounce?

A: Ha ha! Good question. Throughout the night we were struggling with our tongues but anyway it is pronounced as kam-ra-de-ry. You should try it. Ha ha!

On the dot at 7.15pm Advance Communicator Bronze, Advance Leader Bronze (ACB, ALB) CP Lau replaced Foo Fung Jiun as the Assistant Sergeant of Arms (SAA) to call the meeting into order. 
He reiterated the house rules as usual, lead in reciting the Toastmaster’s Promise and invited our President, Ron Yeap, Competent Communicator (CC) to officiate the meeting.  A role is taken over by any member of toastmaster in the event a member is not available for the role at the moment.

Mr. Ron Yeap is one who is always filled with excitement but manages to control it with his calm composure. He reflects all his excitement through his charming smile and sincere delivery of speech. He acknowledged Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) Datuk. Dr. John Lau’s presence and shared his thoughts on celebrating together without forgetting to mention the word of the day, camaraderie, a couple of times. 
He then called for me, the Grammarian to introduce the word of the day and then the others followed with sharing what they felt about today’s theme, “Celebrating Togetherness”.
Alas when everyone was done the floor was passed back to the president who then called upon the Toastmaster of the Evening (TME) and this time it was non-other than our new member Mandy. I’ll have to give her the credit for she organised herself well and smoothly brought us through the meeting without any hitch. She was confident and never lost that pretty smile on her face. She briefed us on the history of Toastmasters and then called upon all the role players to introduce their roles. 
The Grammarian who is the language master for the night was me, Chitirra. The “Ah” counter who is the critical observer of speech crutches was Serena Kong, ACB, and the timer who tracks the time for everything including herself was Wendy Sim.
 Finally, our General Evaluator (GE), Ng Yee Chia, CC from  IEM Toastmasters Club also introduced his role as the GE for the night.
 We then moved on to the fun and interesting session of Table Topics hosted by Competent Communicator, Advance Leader Bronze(CC, ALB) Mathew Philippose, The topics were all centered around the  theme of the day “Celebrating togetherness”.   We learned a lot from the string of speakers. 

Everyone was really good with the impromptu session and that was when I saw Datuk Dr. John Lau in action. He was simply mind-blowing. His transition from happy to sad was superb. It was like as if he held the audience under his control like a puppet. With the snap of his fingers he could turn a smile into sorrow.

We then moved to the assigned speech session. I couldn’t wait to see Wenny Loh deliver her first speech. Mandy proudly introduced her best friend onto the floor. Wenny’s ice breaker speech was entitled W.E.N.N.Y. and as per the title, she emphasized that her name is Wenny and not Winnie the Pooh. I figured we had so much in common. She too despises accounting and loves to teach just like me. She really wasn’t the Wenny and I first met. I could barely hear her the first time I met her but I’ve seen her go through many table topic sessions and all her efforts shined today as she delivered her speech today with ease and composure. As per our Toastmaster’s tradition, everyone gave her a grand standing ovation.

The next speech was by one of our comical members, C.S. Quah. This man naturally makes me laugh when we have a chat. Today he delivered his fourth speech on how to say it with the title “The Art of Throwing”. He gave us ideas on how to dispose unwanted junk and it was pretty beneficial to all of us. 

Then the great Ken Chan, DTM came on stage to deliver his speech number seven on Research Your Topic entitled IQ vs EQ. He always delivers his speeches with charisma. This speech revolved around how we can succeed even better with a stronger EQ. 

At last, under the Advanced Communication Manual, we had our famous golfer Kelvin Chong, ACB on speaking to inform with an intriguing topic “How to Be a More Manly Man”. It was his A-Z guidance speech on how a man should be better both mentally and physically. Nevertheless, the women too obtained some good advice as well as it contained many life lessons such as how inner beauty is always better than outer beauty, how we should not shun away our obligations and how we should always be positive. 

The evaluation session also known as the breakfast for champions begin after a short break. The General Evaluator Yee Chia took over the session at this point and was very engaging with the crowd. Upon explaining the session, Kevin Khoo, CC took on the evaluation session for the Table Topics. Then the assigned speech evaluators Hj Hashim DTM for Wenny, Dr Thilla ACGfor CS Quah, Ben Hoe CTM, CL for Ken and Datuk Dr. John Lau DTM for Kelvin. Each presented their thoughts and feedback in their own unique styles.

The GE then got the reports from each role player who were very detailed in their reports.

The night came to a close with the awards presentations, announcements and closing address. Firstly, the best table topics went to none other than our International Past President Datuk Dr. John Lau, DTM. That’s something everyone guessed. Next, the best evaluation was also bagged by Dr. John. That was a double kill and alas the best speech was bagged by non-other than Wenny herself. She truly deserved it. 

After the daily awards, Manish gave out some appreciation awards for those who assisted in the Area Humorous & Evaluation Speech Contest 2016.  

With that Ron closed the meeting gracefully and we all took a beautiful group photo with our International Past President.

The President Distinguished Ribbon 2015/16, the award from Toastmasters international  received by the Immediate Past President Mathew from Datuk john Lau DTM.

Truly the meeting was all about togetherness and everyone is looking forward to see Dr. John sometime soon next year! 

"Camaraderie was at its best"

VPPR- Thanks for reading, Hope you have enjoyed reading it. I thank to our beloved writer Toastmaster Chitirra and the Team.

Vice president of public Relation- 2016/17
Manish Jha.
Money Mastery -KL Toastmasters Club.

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