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At the Annual Convention of District 51 of Toastmasters International held recently in Kuching, Sarawak, Francis Ng DTM, our club Advisor was elected the Lieutenant Governor Marketing (Peninsula) for the term 2009-2010.
Before the election was carried on 17th April, 2009 each candidate was given two minutes to deliver their election speech. Francis Ng delivered the following speech that gave him his victory. Congratulations Francis., You made our club proud of you.

My fellow Toastmasters,

This election is not about the candidates. This election is not about me as an individual.
This election is about ALL of us - Toastmasters who share a common vision of empowering our members through better communication and leadership skills.

It is about the individual member who has many priorities in life – family, friends and work - and yet still makes the time to come to club meetings regularly, because he/she is seeking to achieve a dream to become a better speaker … a better leader … and ultimately … a better person.

And, it is about those clubs that are struggling to keep afloat and yet continue to march on because of the commitment, dedication and perseverance of their club Presidents and VPEs.

Yes, it is about ALL of us, who believe that we ARE making a positive and enduring contribution to making this world a better place, by helping our clubs to help our members to become better communicators and better leaders.

My fellow Toastmasters,

I truly believe in the mission of Toastmasters. With many of you I have sweated blood and tears in the service of Toastmasters.

Like all of you, I'm always guided by our 4 Core Values:
• Integrity
• Dedication to Excellence
• Service to the Member
• And, Respect for the Individual.

One day, we will all be called to stand up and make a difference.

For me, that day is TODAY - I'm answering this call to service by standing here.

Today, my friends, I ask YOU to answer this call with YOUR votes.

Vote Wisely, Vote for Service, Vote FRANCIS!

Posted by Hj Naburi, VPPR

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