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HOPE AND CHANGE - The Theme for Club Meeting #168

The President, Hj Hashim Adnan, CC, CL in his opening remark for the meeting held on 24th February, 2009 expounded his words of wisdom as follows:


Most People stop growing in life because they are unwilling to make changes but they have lots of hopes.

All mankind is divided into three classes:
(1) those who are unchangeable,
(2) those who are changeable and
(3) those who cause the change.
You cannot stand still and make changes only through hopes.
You must go forward and be open to those adjustments that improve you.
The most unhappy people are those who fear change.

It has been said many times: You can't make an omelet without breaking an egg.
Accomplishment automatically results in change.
One change makes way for the next, giving us the opportunity to grow and achieve our hopes. You must change to master change. Playing it safe is probably the most unsafe thing in the world.

So open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values. You are custom-built for change. You are not a rock.
AT any point, at any age, any of us, you and me, can change.

Delivered by Hj Hashim
The meeting was called to order by TM Sanjay and did a very good job as ASAA for the evening. KH Song as TME for the meeting guided us very well through the agenda which presented five speakers who did their assignment speeches in an excellent manner. The best project speaker went to Calista Chan who need only to deliver two more speeches to complete her BASIC manual to gain her CC award. Congratulations Calista and keep up the good work.
Hj Naburi aptly gave a toast to EK Yeo, whom he knighted as the unsung hero of the club for going the extra miles for the club and making sure that the club keep to the already high standard set.
The club happily welcomed our four guests comprising of Natalie, KC, Ati and Alvin who indicated that they were happy with what they witnessed and declare their wish to join the Club. KC and Ati are both foreign students from Nigeria and Iran respectively.
The evaluation session was led by the General Evaluator DTM Lee Swee Seng from Premier Advanced TMc who gave high praise to the club and our sincere thanks and appreciation to him.

Posted by Hj Naburi, VPPR

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