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Theme of the day: Mentor's Day, Word of the day: Embolden |
Let me give you a glimpse of this meeting which was just over recently..
We began our meeting by
7:15 PM. Our SAA of the day CC
(competent communicator) Sivadas took control of the stage and called for
the meeting with full swing while making sure everyone is attentive and ready
to proceed.
This was the time for our
presidential opening address. Our club president Mathew Philippose CC, CL. What
can I say about him? He is very enthusiastic and encouraging person. He speaks
like more or less Barack Obama. He open the meeting and set the floor with fire
of excitement and inspiration. Theme of the day was Mentor’s day. Every one of
us shared their perspective of mentor’s day and their memory with their great
mentors in life. The air at the club meeting was charged up the introductions
with great expectations for the whole upcoming sessions of the day.
With much excitement we move
forward to the next part of the meeting with our Toastmaster of the Evening (TME)
Kelvin Chong. This man is our all-time humour person, he jumped
in and took control of the stage.
While leading the meeting
forward, Kelvin created humour trying to read different from his script. He
blamed the error to his eye sight bringing laughter to us. Kelvin has a
humorous way keeping audience on their toes by quoting mistakes deliberately. He managed pretty much well. To be chair of a
meeting has challenges we may say it is not bed of roses. However, he enjoyed
making this role a bed of roses.
He called each role
player to share the objectives of their role at the meeting. Kelvin highlighted
history of Toastmasters International for the benefit of guests. The humorous disposition
by Kelvin gave much fun with a lasting memory.
As our Table Topic master
of the meeting Dr. Thilla ACG, ALB to took control from the
toastmasters of the meeting. She made
many to speak on their feet through the impromptu speeches.
Impromptu speech is to
practice and keeping speaker’s idea clearly, concisely and effectively with one
or two illustration in just 2 minutes of time. Not easy right?
It takes big courage when you need to keep your ideas or words concisely and effectively in just two minutes to the people. There various experiences, you will find some people who can speak at length while others cannot even speak for a minute in front of the audience. In both the cases speaker needs to learn how to present or communicate effectively and timely manners. That is why MM KL Toastmasters club is committed to members to make mistakes and learn to develop the best ability in public speaking, leadership roles and off course writing.
Our self-motivated five speakers took courage and spoke their mind. Beautiful and meaningful topics were given to our impromptu speakers. I was the first speaker yes, it is myself, Manish Kumar CC (Competent Communicator) was given a Topic to speak “Describe an emboldening experience you have had”. I spoke my mind and spoke about my wonderful experience of emboldening experience with my mentor in toastmasters as an example. Similarly all five of us spoke out our best. Impromptu speech session ends here, but still main part of the show was on the way. Guess what?
Has the control of the
meeting changed hands to the TME Kelvin Chong, it was the time to experience the
prepared assignment speech session from the CC (competent communication) manual
and advanced manuals of toastmasters program. On this day, we had four power
pack speakers to fuel the audience’s mind and spirit.
Sharply 8.00 PM our 1st
speaker’s name Chong Ji Seng was
announced by the Toastmaster of the evening Kelvin Chong. Toastmaster Ji Sheng in his speech took us to his world of vacation,
it is in Pulau Redang Island which is just 300-400 KM away from KL to
describe how to have happy honeymoon or just happy time for anyone and everyone
in Malaysia. He thus completed his 4th speech which was Titled- Vacation (the project was - How
to Say it).
We not only enjoyed his
adventurous trip with a big group of friends but also he shared his memory humour
during his journey of 8 hours instead of 4 hours and a lot more, which allowed
us the audience to connect with his story very well. By the end he managed to
say, you too must go and enjoy the beauty of this place. Very mesmerising. He
amazed us with his humorous and storytelling skill. To be honest I was his evaluator. I was very
happy to evaluate his speech. He was awesome.
Our second speaker was Chee Heng King- He completed his last
from the CC manual, speech number 10 on this day. His speech: - Title Vincent Vann Gogh: A story of
Resolve. Congratulations King to complete your first basic manual of
toastmasters competent communication. The speech was to inspire the audience,
and he really learned, how to inspire the audience with his inspiring story. He
taught us, how to challenge our self and resolve any difficult situation with
King, you have done very
good job. This is an achievement not just for you, also for our club. You
deserve to have standing ovation. Wish you great luck and have fun from the advanced
manual’s speeches of toastmasters program.
Moving forward this was
the time to inspire the audience once again by our all-time renowned speaker Ken Chan. His speech title: - Don’t worry, be happy.
He not just inspired the
whole audience with his great story and humours skill. He said, there are three
types of people in the world 1. Optimists 2. Pessimists and 3. Opportunist with
the example of half empty glass. He taught us how to be opportunists when
situation comes to you and don’t over stress yourself in stressful situation- just be happy, soon everything will be
alright to you. It was really fantastic
speech and worth listening him, also receiving valuable wisdoms from Ken. Thank
you Ken Chan for inspiring and driving us to your message don’t worry, be happy.
Our last speaker was none other than a seasoned and a very dedicated, strong and cute speaker our club president Mathew Phillipose. He is born to be a leader and a wonderful speaker. He delivered his speech from the Advanced manual Leadership Excellence Series- Title: - Giving Effective Feedback.
When he is on stage. Looks
like the stage says, “Mathew Please don’t leave me, love you so much, see
everybody looks charming and happy because of you”. In his speech, he didn’t
just tell the fact how to give effective feedback. He came up with effective
slides and explained technically how to give feedback effectively while
understanding the context and highlight relevant points. Highlight carefully
strength and weakness. Also show the example and suggestions how to improve. It
was really worth listening you Mr President.
Now, ladies and gentlemen,
it’s Time to enjoy our 10 minutes of break. Announced by our handsome TME (CC
Kelvin Chong).
At 9 PM as per our
schedule. We resumed our meeting and the time finally jumped over to the pocket
of our generous and sincere General
Evaluator DTM (Distinguished Toastmasters) Lim Thian Seng to take control of the stage and provide the
constructive feedbacks on overall meeting. He really did great work on his
part. We embrace and love evaluation because evaluation is the stepping stone
to our success.
He cordially invited
first, table topic evaluator- ATMG K.L
Loh a seasoned speaker and meticulous evaluator. He clearly evaluated each
table topic speakers and evaluated the speech structure, speech content,
purpose and body language. He also encouraged the speakers to keep doing
impromptu speeches regularly to be just perfect.
Now time was flying to call
Individual speech evaluators. One after another all the 3 speakers came over.
With their mini speech to give appropriate and meaningful evaluation. I
believe, evaluation was very much appropriate. I was the first evaluator
followed by DTM Hj. Hasim and CP Lau, ACB, ALB.
Time finally came for
technical evaluations in the row. Wow – our first time Grammarian toastmaster CS Quah did wonderful job: - This is very
challenging job to catch up poor sentence structure and correcting them, he picked
up wrongly pronounced words, highlighted the good phrase, also how many time
everyone used the words of the day. Our TME managed to score highest to use
highest number of times word of the day Embolden.
Congratulations Kelvin Chong.
Ah counter- Sharian
recently joined our club and completed CC and gave his Ah counter’s report for
all the speech crutches. He was very quick in observing umm’s aah,la….etc. Congratulations Sharian to be competent
communicator. Our intelligent timer EK
Yeo,CC- He was the man who ran the meeting’s every session according to the
schedule with his prompt time signals. He was really smart on recording the
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General Evaluator |
The Time soon caught up to
the award ceremony: - As our GE handed to our club President after presiding
the various evaluations and reports of role-players. Mr President called for
the doll drum and without any delay announced “ladies and gentlemen, winner of
the table topic speech is DTM Haji Hashim”.
Surprisingly the best evaluation also went to DTM Haji Hashim.
This was once again in the history of MM-KL
TMC meeting DTM Haji Hashim grabbed both the awards and there was a thunderous
applause when he departed from the stage. History is been written in Money Mastery KL toastmasters club with DTM
Haji Hashim name, I’m sure will be in the top 10 great toastmasters in the list.
At last Mr President Summaries the meeting on learning things from the meeting in
each aspects and adjourned the meeting by 10 PM.
My friend, this is such a
place, even by mistake you are able to visit our Money Mastery-KL toastmasters
club. I’m sure, soon you will able to make a choice to join MM – KL TMC. Lovely
place, lovely people, you may find your lost friends around. You will have many
surprises. Join hands in hand go together an extra mile in personal life as
well as professional life. For more details- Do visit our Facebook website. https://www.facebook.com/groups/moneymasterykltmc/
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"The most beautiful thing
you can wear is
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