It was an important occasion for Toastmasters because this is an annual event where the baton will be passed from the last term club committee to the newly elected club committee. On this special night, the newly elected Exco-members for the term will get installed into their new roles and positions.
To our honour and pleasure, we had a few distinguished guests namely DTM Geoff Andrew, DTM Dominic Gerard Joseph, current Division W Governer DTM Soh Fong Wai, Past Division W Governer Azmi Shahrin and our current Area W1 Governer CC Syamala Murigiah, to join us on this lovely evening. We had full attendance of our club Exco on that night, though our Immediate Past President CC, CL Haji Hashim was absent with apologies due an important business trip that he had to make.
Organizing Chair CC, CL KH Song did a marvelous job in planning and setting up the whole event. Scrumptious food in a beautiful restaurant, what a perfect ambiance for a gathering amongst both old and new friends. In addition, thanks to Immediate Past President of MIA Toastmasters Club Kelvin, we got a great deal on the food and venue that night! Score!
During the installation ceremony chaired by our Area W1 Governor Syamala, each exco member of both club pledged to serve his or her club with utmost integrity and aspiration in his or her respective role.
Now I present to you, the official Exco of Money Mastery-KL Toastmasters Club (2009- 2010):
President Liew Siew Yin, CC, CL
Vice President of Education Yeo Eng Keng, CC, CL
Vice President of Membership Kok Sook Meng, CC
Vice President of Public Relations Gean Lau, CC
Secretary Abdul Aziz, CTM
Treasurer Julia Leong, TM
Sergeant-at-Arm Wilson Ten Kine Hong, TM
At the end of the ceremony, the president of each club presented their very first presidential speech to the club members. For our club, our new Mdm President, CC, CL Liew Siew Yin appealed to the new exco members to do their very best in serving the members in the club, and achieving the 10 DCP goals for 2009 - 2010, in order to live up the Division W motto - FORWARD, CHANGE, GROW.
After the ceremony, it was time for Table Topics - one of the widely favoured activities of Toastmasters. DTM Geoff Andrew, the Table Topics Master of the night, had conducted the 40 minutes session brilliantly. Firstly, he planned the topics around the idea of Money, quite apt for the occasion as we had both the money managers (MIA) and the money makers (Money Mastery) in the room, as he puts it. Secondly, the rule of the game is that after one volunteer from a club has spoken on a topic, a volunteer from the other club should follow and speak on the same topic. Back and forth, we had in total 8 Table Topics speakers that night, 4 from each club.
All the speakers spoke enthusiastically on their given topics. Guess that when it comes to money, we all have much to express, especially when you're a money manager, or a money maker =)
As for the winner, CONGRATULATIONS to DTM Dominic Gerard Joseph, who won the title of Best Table Topics speaker of the night with his humorous and clever speech on the title 'If you have $1 million, what would you do with it?'
Overall, it was a splendid night and I think the members and guests who were there would all agree with me when I say that. It was indeed an marvelous event to pump up our energy and kick start for the new 2009-2010 term!
As our Mdm president put it, it's time for us to move forward, grow and change! All the best to the new leadership and all the members of Money Mastery-KL Toastmasters Club!
Yours truly,
Gean Lau
Vice President of Public Relations
2009 - 2010
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